The Importance of Dental Cleaning

The Importance of Dental Cleaning

Professional cleaning appointments are one of the best ways to prevent oral health concerns, including cavities and gum disease. These regular visits allow our dentists to thoroughly clean your teeth and gums and improve your at-home oral hygiene routine. During the appointment at Helix Dental, we will remove plaque buildup, which can be challenging to remove with brushing alone. Removing this sticky substance can help prevent tooth decay, cavities, and periodontal issues. We also use professional tools to clean between your teeth or along the gumline to remove any food particles stuck there. Keeping these areas clean can prevent the development of both decay and disease. Finally, these regular cleanings allow us to educate our patients on the importance of excellent home care and regular dental exams and cleanings. 

When is Dental Cleaning Needed?

  • Bad breath 
  • Plaque and tarter buildup around your teeth and along the gum line
  • Gum disease symptoms such as bleeding gums when you brush and floss
  • Teeth that feel loose
  • Dark spots on your teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Uneven tooth edges
  • Yellowing of the enamel
  • Difficulty chewing due to teeth that are too long or too short
  • Gapped teeth
  • Sensitive teeth and sore gums
  • Cavities or decay in the teeth
  • Whitening dark spots on the teeth 

Why Do I Need a Dental Cleaning? 

A dental cleaning is a preventive measure to help maintain the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. Regular professional care allows our team to identify any potential risks or areas of concern early on in their development so we can promptly provide treatment to protect your smile from damage. In some cases, we may recommend more frequent visits if you notice that you are at increased risk for oral health problems due to a specific factor, such as smoking, dry mouth, diabetes, or certain medications. We recommend that patients of all ages see us for a cleaning and exam every six months. By scheduling these regular appointments, we can ensure your mouth is healthy and bright for years.

How Often Do I Need a Dental Cleaning? 

Patients should generally receive a dental cleaning about once every six months. However, patients with gum disease or poor hygiene may benefit from more frequent cleanings. Your dentist may also recommend special cleanings before specific procedures, such as oral surgery. During your first visit to the dentist’s office, they will review your medical history and current oral health to determine the best schedule for your cleanings and exams.

Dental cleanings allow patients to have their mouths thoroughly cleaned, preventing future tooth decay and gum disease. For the best dental care tailored to your needs, visit Helix Dental at 15 James St, Suite 1, Florham Park, NJ 07932, or call (973) 377-8668. 


15 James St Suite 1,
Florham Park, NJ 07932

Office Hours

MON9:30 am - 5:30 pm

TUE - WED9:00 am - 7:00 pm


FRI9:00 am - 7:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed